Rohan H1/1908

Started by Ithekro, July 16, 2007, 12:41:18 PM

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Rohirrim Naval Construction
and Expenditures of the Riddermark.
1908 First Half Report
January 1 - June 30, 1908

Population: 73
BP:  17
IC: 113 (+1 IC in h2/1908)
Revenue: 186.00 (+ $6.25 from the CSA for the Canal) (+$1.31 for military in H2/1908)

Normal Growth funds:
+1 IC = $45.00 ($0.00 remaining) Finished
New Beleriand Canal = $49.25 ($3.25 remaining)
San Francisco relief effort = $5.00

Rohan's military budget is $93.00

Total Army upkeep: $22.80
Maintenance: 425x2.5% = $10.68
Spent $33.51 in upkeep.

Thus $59.52 remains.

Newly Budgeted Vessels of the Mark:

Redhorn = $7.98
Cloudyhead = $7.98

$ 43.56

Army Upgrade:

16 Corps raising from Baseline to Advanced (Rating 5):
5th Corps, 6th Corps, 7th Corps, 9th Corps, 10th Corps, 11th Corps, 12th Corps, 13th Corps, 14th Corps, 1st Gondorian Corps, 3rd Gondorian Corps, 4th Gondorian Corps, 5th Gondorian Corps, 6th Gondorian Corps, 7th Gondorian Corps, 8th Gondorian Corps. = $12.00 + 1.75 BP paid H1/1908 ($0 + 0 BP remaining) – Active/Reserve H2/1908

Fortress at Erkenbrand (San Jaun del Norte): Advanced = $0.  (Three year build time places completion in H2/1909) – probably installation of large caliber coastal defenses, as this is the Caribbean end of the New Beleriand Canal.

Fortress at Ammon-In-Gelydh (San Jaun del Sur): Advanced = $5 +1 BP – probably installation of large caliber coastal defenses, as this is the Pacific end of the New Beleriand Canal. ($15 and 1.25 BP remaining three year build time, finished H2/1910)

Remainder $26.56

Unspecified research (h1/1906 + h2/1906+h1/1907+h2/1907+h1/1908) = $2
Cavalry Tech:
1905 Advanced 5/1.5 = $1 (h2/1906+h1/1907+h2/1907+h1/1908)
Internal Combustion Engines (from the CSA)
1900 Advanced (+1): Land and airship engines up to 200HP, 50HP aeroplane engines (h1/1908) = $0.25
Heavier-than-air crafts (from CSA)
1902 Advanced: Primitive flying machines: Wright Flyer, Langly Aerodrome etc. 1906 historical year (h1/1908) = $0.25
Light Cruiser Architecture (from Japan)
1900 Advanced(+1): ammunition hoists, deck torpedo armament, superfiring mounts (h1/1908) = $0.25
Triple turreted 14" guns = $0.50 (h1/1907+h2/1907+h1/1908)
New triple turret for 12" guns = $0.50 (h1/1907+h2/1907+h1/1908)
New 12"/48 cal cannon = $0.50 (h1/1907+h2/1907+h1/1908)

Remainder $21.31

Expanding Ammon-In-Gelydh Yard to Type 3 = $5 + 1 BP ($10 remaining)
Expanding Brithombar Yard to Type 3 = $5 ($5.67 remaining)
Construction of (Type 1) Naval Yard at Puerto Montt (Chile) = $5 + 1 BP ($10 + 1 BP remaining)
Construction of a Type 3 Drydock at Ammon-In-Gelydh = $5 + 1 BP ($16 + 2 BP remaining)

Remainder $1.31 (for H2/1908)

Army Upkeep:

Active Units:
8 Infantry Corp (rating of 4)
Cost: $10 upkeep 1/8: $1.25 each x8 = $10
2 Cavalry Corp (rating of 4)
Cost: $8 upkeep 1/8: $1.00 each x2 = $2
4 Cavalry Corp (rating of 4)
Cost $8 upkeep 1/4: $2.00 each x4 = $8

8 Infantry Corp (rating 4)
Cost: $10 upkeep 1/40: $0.25 each x 8 = $2
4 Cavalry Corp (rating 4)
Cost: $8 upkeep 1/40: $0.20 each x 4 = $0.80

Total Army size: 26

Total upkeep: $22.80

Naval Upkeep:

Active Fleet
Ship or class - year laid down (Standard Displacement in tons)


Walda – laid down 1904 (17,565)
Freawine – laid down 1902 (17,565)
Shadowfax - laid down 1899 (15,589)
Arcadia - laid down 1899 (15,589)
Brytta - laid down 1898 (15,652)
Elfwine - laid down 1897 (15,652)
Eomer - laid down 1895 (15,625)
Theoden - laid down 1893 (13,342)
Goldwine - laid down 1894 (13,342)
Brego - laid down 1889 (11,468)
Thengel - laid down 1890 (11,468)
Gram - laid down 1891 (11,468)
Aldor - laid down 1892 (11,468)

= 185,793 tons

Coastal Battleships:

Araval - laid down 1891 (6,842)
Arveleg - laid down 1892 (6,842)
Arvedui - laid down 1892 (6,842)
Tarondor - laid down 1889 (5,829)
Tarcil - laid down 1889 (5,829)

= 32,184

Combat Cruisers:

Valandil – laid down 1906 (13,991)
Calmacil – laid down 1901 (9,324)
Romidacil - laid down 1898 (9,324)
Narmacil - laid down 1897 (9,324)
Ostoher - laid down 1896 (9,202)
Eldacar - laid down 1893 (6,928)

= 58,093 tons

Armored Cruisers:

Brethil (ex-Hill) – laid down 1892 (10,185)
Dorthonion (ex-Sherman) - laid down 1892 (10,185)
Denethor - laid down in 1887 (5,607)
Boromir - laid down in 1888 (5,607)

= 31584 tons

Belted Cruisers:

Dwimorberg - laid down 1904 (6,246)
Irensaga - laid down 1904 (6,246)
Starkhorn – laid down 1903 (6,469)
Nevrast (ex-Toothfish) - laid down 1895 (3,108)
Minas Harthad (ex-Bluefin) - laid down 1892 (4,763)
Aros (ex-Snapper) - laid down 1890 (2,198)
Ramdal (ex-Salmon) - laid down 1890 (2,198)

= 31,228 tons

Protected Cruisers:

Minrimmon - laid down 1902 (4,163)
Caradhras - laid down in 1895 (2,177)
Gundabad - laid down 1891 (1,508)
Celebdil - laid down 1891 (1,508)
Yaquina (ex-Laredo) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Karok (ex-Torreon) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Kusa (ex-Wilmimgton) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Coqu (ex-Abilene) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Kusa (ex-Socorro) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Umpqua (ex-Tucson) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Tenino (ex San Angelo) - laid down in 1887 (1,539)
Coos (ex Oak Ridge) - laid down in 1887 (1,539)
Yakima (ex Hull #TCC8710) - laid down 1887 (1,539)
Cowichan (ex Hull #TCC8711)- laid down 1887 (1,539)
Lillooet (ex Hull #TCC8712)- laid down 1887 (1,539)
Hoopa (ex Charlottesville) - laid down in 1887 (1,539)
Teton (ex Tyler) - laid down in 1885 (1,540)
Shasta (ex Hannibal) - laid down in 1885 (1,540)
Salish (ex Pensacola) - laid down in 1885 (1,540)
Alsea (ex Hull #TCC8510) - laid down 1885 (1,540)
Lumni (ex Hull #TCC8511)- laid down 1885 (1,540)
Nootka (ex Hull #TCC8512)- laid down 1885 (1,540)

= 39,692 tons


Challenging Rabbit – laid down 1907 (765)
Falling Elk – laid down 1907 (765)
Balanced Eagle – laid down 1907 (765)
Gentle Dragon – laid down 1907 (765)
Dancing Bear – laid down 1907 (765)
Running Wolf – laid down 1907 (765)
Blue Hand – laid down 1904 (805)
Hallow Field – laid down 1904 (805)
Nia Rampage – laid down 1904 (805)
Gallant Runner – laid down 1904 (805)
War Dawn – laid down 1904 (805)
First Dawn – laid down 1904 (805)
Ramheart – laid down 1904 (805)
Middleton – laid down 1904 (805)
Shearfoot – laid down 1900 (805)
Morwen - laid down in 1895 (745)
Folcred - laid down in 1895 (745)
Folwine - laid down in 1896 (745)
Fastred - laid down in 18956 (745)
Baldor - laid down in 1896 (745)
Felarof - laid down in 1896 (745)

= 16,305 tons

Torpedo Boats:

Radburg – laid down 1902 (154)
Olwyn (ex-T23) - laid down 1891 (235)
Eogladden (ex-T24) - laid down 1891 (235)
Wídfara (ex-T26) - laid down 1891 (235)
Ceorl (ex-T27) - laid down 1891 (235)
Eledhwyn (ex-T28) - laid down 1891 (235)
Eohdwyn (ex-T29) - laid down 1891 (235)
Bereth (ex-T31) - laid down 1892 (235)
Elfhild (ex-T32) - laid down 1892 (235)
Gálmód (ex-T33) - laid down 1892 (235)
Gárulf (ex-T34) - laid down 1892 (235)
Hama - laid down 1890 (311)
Eomond - laid down 1890 (311)
Eothain - laid down 1890 (311)
Erkenbrand - laid down 1890 (311)
Hasufel - laid down 1890 (311)
Gamling - laid down 1890 (311)
Theodred - laid down 1890 (311)
Arod - laid down 1890 (311)
Meriadoc - laid down 1890 (311)
Theobrand - laid down 1890 (311)
Gamond - laid down 1891 (311)
Halas - laid down 1891 (311)
Erkenes - laid down 1891 (311)
Arodred - laid down 1891 (311)
Eoma - laid down 1891 (311)
Eowyn - laid down 1891 (311)
Gamwym - laid down 1891 (311)
Merithain - laid down 1891 (311)
Waldmond - laid down 1891 (311)

= 8,413 tons


Himling (ex-Generoso) - laid down 1885 (6,115)
Tolfalas - laid down 1885 (2,923)
Tol Morwen - laid down 1888 (2,923)
Tol Fuin - laid down 1889 (2,923)


Queen Emeraldas – laid down 1897 (7,982)
Star of Earendil – laid down 1895 (6,640)

= 14,884 tons

Total Active Fleet 427,237 tons
Maintenance: 427x2.5% = $10.68

Navy Construction:
Newly Budgeted Vessels of the Mark:

Redhorn = $7.98
Cloudyhead = $7.98

Total = $ 15.96

Under Construction:

at Forlond

S2 Construction continues on Belted Cruiser Silvertine (1,800 tons delivered) 8,639 tons needed, will require 530 days to complete (finishes H2/1908) – 5,797 tons needed to complete.
S2 Construction paused on Swiss Heavy Cruiser Constellation (0 tons delivered) 8,570 tons needed, will require 603 days to complete (finishes H1/1909) – 7,528 tons needed to complete.
D2 idle
D2 idle

at Harlond

S2 Construction continues on Battlecruiser Windfola (1,800 tons delivered) 15,474 tons needed, will require 733 days to complete (finishes during H2/1909) – 12,632 tons  needed to complete.
S0 idle
D2 idle
D1 idle

at South Mithlond

S2: Construction continues on Battleship Helm Hammerhand (1,801 tons delivered) 21,522 tons needed, will require 916 days to complete (finishes during H2/1909) – 16,294 tons needed to complete.
S2: Construction continues on Battleship Fengel (1,801 tons delivered) 21,522 tons needed, will require 916 days to complete (finishes during H2/1909) – 16,294 tons needed to complete.
S3 idle
S1 idle
D2 idle

at North Mithlond

S2 Construction ends on Battlecruiser Snowmane (448 tons delivered) 15,474 needed, will require 733 days to complete (finishes during H1/1908) – 0 tons  needed to complete (ends construction in June)
D2 idle
D2 idle
D1 idle
D0 idle

at Dol Amroth

S2 idle
S2 idle
D2 idle
D2 idle

at Pelargir

S1 idle
S0 idle
D2 idle
D0 idle

New Beleriand:

at Vinyamar (Corinto)

S2 idle
S0 idle
D2 Construction ends on Destroyer CSA 1 (0 tons delivered) 701 tons needed, will require 292 days to complete (finishes during H1/1908) – 0 tons needed to complete. Finished
D0 idle

at Eglarest (Bluefields)

S2 Construction begins on Belted Cruiser Redhorn (1,800 tons delivered) 8,639 tons needed, will require 530 days to complete (finishes H1/1909) – 6,839 tons needed to complete.
S2 Construction begins on Belted Cruiser Cloudyhead (1,800 tons delivered) 8,639 tons needed, will require 530 days to complete (finishes H1/1909) – 6,839 tons needed to complete.
D2 idle
D2 idle

at Brithombar (Puerto Cabezas)

S2-S3 Expanding
S0 idle
D2 idle
D0 idle

at Ammon-In-Gelydh (San Jaun del Sur)

S2 Construction ends on Destroyer CSA 2 (0 tons delivered) 701 tons needed, will require 292 days to complete (finishes during H1/1908) – 0 tons needed to complete. Finished
S1 Construction ends on Destroyer CSA 3 (0 tons delivered) 701 tons needed, will require 292 days to complete (finishes during H1/1908) – 0 tons needed to complete. Finished
D3 Under Construction
D2 Construction ends on Destroyer CSA 4 (0 tons delivered) 701 tons needed, will require 292 days to complete (finishes during H1/1908) – 0 tons needed to complete. Finished
D1 Construction ends on Destroyer CSA 5 (0 tons delivered) 701 tons needed, will require 292 days to complete (finishes during H1/1908) – 0 tons needed to complete. Finished

11,250 tons of material used.

Ships of the Fleet: June 30, 1908 of the Sixth Age

Ship type - number in service (repair/refit/reserve) under construction (undergoing work for foreign power)

Battleships: 13 (0) 2
Battle Cruisers: 1 (0) 1
Coastal Battleships: 5 (0) 0
Combat Cruisers: 6 (0) 0 (1)
Armored Cruisers: 4 (0) 0
Belted Cruisers: 7 (0) 3
Protected Cruisers: 22 (0) 0
Destroyers: 21 (0) 0
Torpedo Boats: 30 (0) 0
Sloops: 0 (0) 0
Colliers: 4 (0) 0
Privateers: 2 (0) 0

The Rock Doctor

I've been looking at maps of Chile while working on the Coquimbo stuff - and if the southern boundary of Coquimbo is the Bio-Bio River, as has been indicated, then Talcahuano lies within Coquimbo - not Mapuche...


I was looking at that last night and thinking that Puerto Montt would be the logical location for a port - if there wasn't an ex-USA port there already.

BTW, what is the status of the Isla de Chiloé? On the World Map it looks like it's coloured Iberian...

The Rock Doctor

According to the 1905 news item, it is Iberian.  Wonder if Mike realized he had that...


Not till a week ago when someone asked to buy it.

The Rock Doctor

The real estate market in that part of the world seems healthy...


I will try to find the original map.


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Meh - no map!
Border runs along Bio-Bio.
Mapuche territorry includes Puerto Mott. For simplicity it may end on the continental divide, although part of the tribe lives "over the other side".

Yes, I did extend their holdings southwards.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Ah.  I thought the border was on the north side of Bio-Bio Province.  That would explain the confusion.

So back to Puerto Montt is it?  That does change the perspective a little in terms of Chiloe.  If the main port was Talcahuano, it means very little.  If it is Puerto Montt, then the protection of the port is necessary.  Editted to reflect the new port.


An attempt to keep things under control:
- Mapuche territory extends from Bio-Bio Riiver to a valley just south of Puerto Montt. The eastern border is either on the continental divide, or includes a pocket on the "other side" - TO BE DECIDED;
The southern border is the river running from the Parque Nacional Alerce Andino.

Hornopiren is in the lands of the Indios Bravos ...

Maybe I once had made a map, which I later lost, where the border was to the north of Biobio ... so to keep things simple, lets use the river as border.

Chiloe - the last time I checked - at Epiphamy - there was an Iberian flag over it.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!