New Zion Cruiser

Started by Desertfox, May 09, 2007, 05:04:36 PM

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France, Egypt, and probably Italy, don't need naval forces to get at New Zion unless the Zionites decide to start blockadig shiping from the Suez to Italian colonies.  The rest can march into the country.  Even the Dutch have land access to New Zion.  Only the DKB will have issued due to their reletively small section of land on mainland Africa that borders New Zion.


"Long"-range naval gunfire

The firing range without any special aid is the point-blank range for the guns - i.e. the barrels are elevated only a few degrees from horizontal. If degree of the fall of the shell is increased, the chance to miss the ship increases rapidly without means to determine the distance.
Low projectile weight and high MV would give flatter trajectories thus wider point-blank range and increased accuracy. In the 6-12ky range we are considering here, long-range fire is more effective with light shells, contrary to the USN practice which emphasized fighting at even longer distances (20+kyds).
Practicing long-range fire won't help in this regard much. Guns are aimed individually, with very rudimentary range information.
Light projectiles, besides higher accuracy, has better penetration below ~15ky compared to heavy projectiles with the same MV. And under 15% the chance of deck hits would be minimal - combine it with the low deck penetration due to the low angle of fall.
If NS is relying on practice to be accurate at long ranges, it should go the opposite way, as superheavy shells REDUCE effective point-blank ranges.

In game terms, without rangefinders or fire control, you effectively wasting ammo firing at targets over 8ky. Superheavy shells would reduce the range further.

On Zionese needs:

Zion needs fleet for sea denial im home waters, and to escort fishing vessels. For the first, torpedo boats, working  under the protection of a few coastal defence ships is needed. For the second, cruisers are needed, but considering the opposition it is a hopeless task.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


New Zion will be receiving free of charge in early 1908, 10 Export Turbinias (4x18" TT, 30kts, 40tons), and 3 B class submarines (2x18" TT). By mid 1908 I'll have 6 spare destroyers and a light cruiser which can be based in Africa to support New Zion. That should cover the low end of the spectrum. New Zion only needs to match Germany at sea and Germany has the problem of having its fleet split into two separate parts 200 miles apart as the crow flies, 2,000 miles apart by sea.

HQ Dar-es-Salaam

SK Paderborn-Delbrück
GK Roon
GK Yorck
PzK Arminius
KK Amazone
KK Medusa
GTB T100, T102, T103
Kb Iltis
Kb Jaguar


HQ Dodoma
PzK Herta
PzK Freya
TB S80-S81
GKb Delfin
GKb Lowe
Gkb Panther
FKb Kocherfligen
FKb Schmetterlinge
FKb Großlibellen
FKb Kleinlibellen
Av Hela

So with the low end covered NZ only needs to worry about PD, the two GKs, and the 3 PZKs.  A couple of 10" CCBBs and a pair or rebuilt PCs should be adequate for NZ's needs.

"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Quote from: Desertfox on May 13, 2007, 05:24:23 PM
New Zion will be receiving free of charge in early 1908, 10 Export Turbinias (4x18" TT, 30kts, 40tons), and 3 B class submarines (2x18" TT). By mid 1908 I'll have 6 spare destroyers and a light cruiser which can be based in Africa to support New Zion. That should cover the low end of the spectrum. New Zion only needs to match Germany at sea and Germany has the problem of having its fleet split into two separate parts 200 miles apart as the crow flies, 2,000 miles apart by sea.
So with the low end covered NZ only needs to worry about PD, the two GKs, and the 3 PZKs.  A couple of 10" CCBBs and a pair or rebuilt PCs should be adequate for NZ's needs.
The question is if it is good for the security policy of NZ to be seen as Swiss vassals. To be seen as more independent is most likley more in their long-term interest.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Well if they dont want free ships, I can certainly find use for them. Right now NZ doesn't have ANY friends, being a vassal to NS probably wont change anything.

The Italians are a question mark, but due to their position in the Mediterean I would say they might be friendly to NZ.

The French are another question mark, they might or might not be friendly to NZ, their conections to OR might help there.

The Germans are naturaly hostile to NZ, and that's not going to change.

Same with the Egyptians.

Im currently working on an alliance with the Ottomans and that could really help NZ. Also they would not be vassals since all Im doing is just providing them with technology and ships, diplomaticlly I have no input in their international relations. A strong NZ even if not allied to me is in my interest, since DKB would be forced to keep ships in Africa to meet this potential threat. I'll still help NZ even if I can't get an alliance.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


New Zion'a ability to have friends depends greatly on the level of anti-semitism in the world.  Since the have managed to make their own state (though not in the Promised Land) then might have more friends then they would historically.   I've not decided on what Rohan thinks of the Jews.


QuoteI've not decided on what Rohan thinks of the Jews.

That their claim to be be Chosen Children of Illuvatar is tenuous?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I'd figure some of the Rohirrim or their allies would just consider them a lost people.  "They all think that is the Promised Land?  Guess they got lost for forty years and decided to stop at the first place they came to."


The CSA, predominately Christian, views NZ something like that cousin that never quite gets claimed, but never really gets disowned either. A member of Selma, Alabama's large Jewish community said:

"How can the leaders of New Zion claim that they are the rightful heirs of Israel when they are yet to reside in the homeland that G__ promised them. New Zion needs to 'get religion' so to speak, and organize themselves in a way that follows G__'s design for His people. If this is accomplished, the Jewish State that calls itself 'New Zion' will again find G__'s favor and will draw Brothers and Sisters of the Faith from all corners of the World, and in it's power will drive the Mohammedan scourge from True Zion!"

The CSA takes a dim view of any Mohammedans, and even forbids them form immigrating into the CSA.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


To the most pious Jews any "New Zion" is blasphemous, as for there to be a Jewish state the folllwing conditions have to be met:
- a Messaih (they have not noted any of late, particulary in Zionist circles);
- the Temple has to be rebuilt.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


NS has much stronger ties to the Jews more like a real close cousin. Like the Jews, NS Protestants observe the Sabbath on Saturday and pork is practiclly nonexistant. There is a large Jewish minority in NS (which is politicly active*) and both share a general hatred towards Catholics and Muslims**.

*Which is why NS is supporting NZ unconditionally.

**The NS-Ottoman Alliance? (not finalized yet) is an exception, mainly because both share a common enemy in the Austrians and Egyptians.   
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Basically the NS disregards religious differences when convenient, i.e. acts like everyone else.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Of course, what made you think differently? ;) :) We are human after all...

But when religion becomes too powerful, like with the Austrians in Spain and Brazil, and the Muslims in Australia, it becomes a powerful political weapon to use against those countries.

NS knows that the Church fire in GC was no accident, and as long as the GC goverment keeps religion out NS will remain friendly to it.   
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


FYI, the 12" 900lbs shells NS has, and the SpringSharp default 864lbs ones have almost identical penetration characteristics therefore they'll use the same penetration table.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas

The Rock Doctor

QuoteNS knows that the Church fire in GC was no accident, and as long as the GC goverment keeps religion out NS will remain friendly to it.

Good to know that the Swiss read La Prensa Nacional, but what do you mean by "keeps religion out"?