Orange 1907H2

Started by P3D, May 14, 2007, 08:39:17 PM

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Population 48
BP 13.2
IC 99
Revenue   $147         
Total Budget:   $147   
Army Construction:   $2   0.5BP
Army Maintenance:   $26.25   
Aircraft Constr/Repair   $0.2   
Navy Construction&Repair   $20.08   12.2BP
Navy Maintenance:   $9.67   
Research:   $4.5
Military Infrastructure   $5 0.5BP

Other Expenses   5.8   
Military Budget   $73.50   13.2BP
Economic Dev.:   73.50   
$29.36 towards constructing 0.8BP
$211.64+29.36=240 of 240 BP

$44.24 of $75 towards constructing 1IC

$5 and 0.5BP expanding Beira harbor from lvl 0 to lvl 1: done
Adv. Cav   1      
Cutting Edge Aircrafts 1
Adv Torpedoes   4      
Amphibious   4      
Tech Transfers:   
Adv. submarines   0.25   done
IC engines   0.25   done

Ship construction
BB   $0.00   13741   0   13.74   23   23
BB   $0.00   13741   3.4   7.64   18   23
BB   $13.30   22750   4   2   6   27*
SS   $0.60   300   0.3   0   6   6
Korvette   $1.03   750   0.75   0   6   9
Korvette   $1.03   750   0.75   0   6   9
Korvette   $1.03   750   0.75   0   6   9
Korvette   $1.03   750   0.75   0   6   9
Korvette   $1.03   750   0.75   0   6   9
Korvette   $1.03   750   0.75   0   6   9

*turrets and guns are already built in France, cost is reduced by the price of the guns($10)

Airship Hangars
Durban lvl 1 (ORNAC)
Beira lvl 1 (ORNAC)
Upington lvl 1 (ORAAC; +construction facilities)
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Naval Infrastructure

Kaapstad Harbor Level 5, Upkeep limit 500,000t
S4 S3 S2 S0
D4 D2 D2 D1 D0

Durban Harbor level 5, capacity 500,000t
S4 S3 S1 S0
D4 D1

Elizabethaven 3, capacity 200,00t
S3 S3 S1
D3 D0

Oos-London 2, capacity 120,000t
S2 S0 S0
D2 D0

Luanda 1, capacity 40,000t
S0 D0

Port Nolloth 1, capacity 40,000t

Prince Edwards Islands 1, capacity 40,000t

Beira 1, capacity 40000t (upgraded 1907H2)

Walvisbaai 0, capacity 5000t
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas