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Started by Borys, March 02, 2007, 09:58:07 AM

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Those players who want to retain something of their Navalism 2.0 countries are requested to say what exactly do they want to keep.

Borys the Geomancer


What do you mean?

Territory?  People?  Ships?  Stories?

I kind of wanted to keep about everything.  If there is a better offer on some kind of new lands, then the territory could be debated.

The Rock Doctor

If I decide I want to re-introduce Gran Colombia, the simple answer is "all of it", preferably at the same latitude.  If you have to shave stuff off, take it from the east, the south, or the Galapagos.  Feel free to send along some of the surrounding territory, as random geomancy ought to be ignoring national borders.

It'll be interesting to see just what use the Darien Canal is after you're done.

Edit:  Perhaps a large chunk of the Americas might need to be plopped into this new world in one piece...


Depends of what is expected from me in the future.

But a smaller France could be fun.


It will be smaller, I promise :)



Well if we wind up going with the map I linked to in the other thread (modified by the addition of a, likely highly volcanic, island where Dijbouti would be), this would be Die Neue Neue Brandenburg:
(note that only DKB borders shown on that map are accurate, YBMV.)
Kuwait would be asleep with the fishies, and Zambia wouldn't have been as accessible, loss of those and AUS+NG parts counterbalanced by rich, fertile three-uberisland "continent of Brandenburg", and perhaps a Industry Modification. ;)

(I didn't stake the "Djibouti Island" as DKB claim but if that's to be trimmed from France that would have been a logical stop/claim on the Great Exodus (which see below)... also wouldn't say no to Territorial Enhancements if granted  ;D)

People - keep, ships - if an Industrial Modification is possible then perhaps more ships of the same classes (say four Prinz Adalberts instead of two, stuff like that). History/stories - changed in detail/scope - Hohenzollerns booted out of europe by HRE circa 1328, perhaps, instead of 1871, and Great Exodus Voyage taken to the Very Far East... - but retaining the same general details of what has been played - alliance and fallout with Swiss, loathing respect with France including loss of kreuzer to French raider in operations for Rohirrim, fr(i)endship/Hankow agreement with Chinese, Legion Kondor/Big Haunted Battleship, etc.


I wish to keep very little of the UKA, as I'd like to start a fresh with a small British Empire. Which would include the UK & Ireland, Newfoundland, Denmark, a small part of the UKA, the Bahamas, Malta, the Sinai, the Gibraltar Isthmus & Sierra Leone.
Here is a quick mod to swampy's map to show the sort of thing I mean.


As for Politics, I suppose similar relations with France, better ones with the Mediterranean states, and the appropriate adjustments to the others. I'd also like a larger Merchant fleet, and this set up for the Empire would require a new Navy, though much of it is already simmed so there is less effort required.
I will probably revert to the correct Royal Line, but I will keep some of my Characters like Vice-Admiral Greenwich, and the crew of HMS Troutbridge, now home-porting at Portsmouth.

I thought about taking on some more in the Med/Africa, but decided against it for now. I think that my first major infrastructure project is going to be quite obviously the Gibraltar Canal.


After looking at the specifics of porting, and reading the definition -
"I believe that means a restructured world, but you can plug in your existing Navalism country into it, and thereby not have to start over completely from scratch.  You might need to reevaluate international relations, treaties, and such, but all your internal stuff is still there, as is your navy and army."

I came to the conclusion that I will not be able to deliver on geographical specifics.



I think Swampy's proposed map is a very good starting point, into which I have inserted my own proposed nation, Rohan as is,MK as is and GC as is, plus France minus Brazil & the far east colonies. This shows to me a very empty World, with lots, and lots of space that needs filling.
The result is here:-http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t74/Earl822/3n-dft1BritishempireDKBFranceMKRoha.png

EDIT:New image host that copes with PNG found.


You do the map then.
I wash my hands.


I've just been fiddling, as is I can easily insert your Austria, possibly find you a little more empire. ;D


*dangles Horn of Africa in front of the Bory-d one's nose*

I'd suggest that if we go with this world that South Indochina, at least, would remain French.


Any chance I could get the Hapsburg Empire back?  Alternatively, if we are playing a more historical era, I wouldn't mind being Prussia.  I always did like the idea of building my own High Seas Fleet from scratch. ;D


Well if Borys isn't going to be playing, the Habsburgs might well be available.

The DKB will likely still be around (in modified form), so I'm afraid the HSF is spoken for. :D


Here's a smoothed version of Earl's proposal, with revised Frenchiness for added "interesting times":